Thursday, December 12, 2013

Depressed diabetic

I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and feel depressed. Is there a medication I can take which is safe.?

The latest SSRIs are relatively safe. No matter what antidepressant you take, you will need to frequently monitor your blood sugars initially to ensure that there are no drug interactions. Go and see a psychiatrist who deals with these medications on a regular basis. I should warn you that almost all antidepressants will cause a slight increase in weight gain, so incorporate exercise and eat healthy. St John wort is another option, but i think you should first speak to the psychiatrist.

Stents for erectile failure

Recently my doctor recommended that I have stents placed to reverse my erectile dysfunction. Does this work?

Stents are the latest fad for the treatment of ED, but there is ZERO guarantee that they will work. If you have no blocked blood vessels, then putting stents is a complete waste of money. The radiologists recommend this because they make money. There are 1000s of diabetics with normal blood vessels in their pelvis and yet have erectile failure. So placing a stent is useless. Even if you have a blocked blood vessel, placing a stent may not reverse the erectile failure. Surgery procedures to correct erectile failure were done in the 80s and 90s-the results were abysmal.

Remember, in medicine there are some doctors who make a living scamming patients by doing unnecessary procedures. The procedure will cost you a minimum of $7,000-$10,000 with ZERO guarantee of success. So buyer beware. Please change your doctor.

Diabetic who can't get it up

I have been diabetic for 4 years and already I have erectile difficulties. Is this related?

Most likely, it is well known that diabetes causes erectile dysfunction. This disorder can occur at any age and often bears no correlation to levels of glucose. Many diabetics with well-controlled sugars also have the same problem. Once ED occurs in diabetics, there is no cure. The only solution is to use Viagra and keep the levels of stress at a low level. Try to maintain your blood sugars under good control as you do not want to develop any more complications.

Traveling as a diabetic

I am traveling outside the country and am a type 1 diabetic. I am on an insulin pump. What supplies do I need?

Well, it depends where you are traveling. In most of Europe, you can get all the supplies but if you travel to Africa or some parts of Central America, you will be out of luck. My best advice for diabetics who travel is to carry their own syringes and your own supplies. You never know the status of the healthcare facilities outside the USA. If you are on an insulin pump, my advice is buy an insulin pen, which is easier to use and associated with fewer hassles. Going with an insulin pump overseas can be tricky, because the supplies may not match what your are using. Rest assured, vacation resorts will bring in their own doctors who will sell you insulin/syringes at exorbitant prices.

Carbs in diabetes

I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and want to know how much carbohydrate I should consume on a daily basis.

In general, it is recommended that you get 60% of your calories from carbohydrates. If you ingest a 2000 calorie diet, this means about 1200 calories should be from carbohydrates. That is about 300 grams of carbohydrates/day. If you are a diabetic, I recommend you learn to read labels and understand calories.

Sweating in a diabetic

I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and noticed that I sweat profusely at night. I take insulin and metformin. Is this related?

Most likely, Yes. It may be other things, but first i would rule out hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemic attacks can cause sweating, I suggest you see your doctor and you may need adjustment of your medications. I also recommend you measure your blood sugars when the sweating occurs to ensure that there is no concurrent hypoglycemia. It may be that you are taking too much insulin in the evening or not eating enough in the evening. Do not worry about things like the somogi or the dawn phenomenon; let your doctor sort that out.

Blisters in a diabetic

I am a diabetic female and recently while attending a social event, developed blisters on my feet because I was wearing tight shoes. Should I break them?

No, leave them alone. Since you are a diabetic, the best advice I can give is pay attention to your feet. Maintain good hygiene do not cut or do any thing that traumatizes your feet. Never ever go to a podiatrist because these professionals almost never check the pulses and start cutting-which eventually leads to amputations. For blisters that are intact, just wear comfortable shoes and leave them alone. For broken blisters, there is no need to apply any antibiotic, unless they are infected.