Most people regain both sexual function and ability pass urine in a few months. The recovery period in most cases is about 6 weeks. During the healing phase it is highly recommended that one avoid masturbation, sexual intercourse and anything to do with the penis and sex.
For those hyper sexed males who have erections all the time, you will probably be given some diazepam or valium to prevent premature erections and allow the incision site to heal.
After recovery many individuals do become hesitant about sexual intercourse and some may require injections of certain drugs to help maintain the erection. Other individuals may be so afraid of sex that psychotherapy may be in order. For those individuals who are shy to seek medical help, when penile fracture is not treated the scar tissue will cause severe disfiguring of the penis and prevent erections. At this stage, it is almost impossible to reverse the problem.
Like any other fracture in the body, penile fracture is not a life long problem if treatment is undertaken in time. Most people go on to lead a normal sexual life after this incident. Individuals who have had a prior penile fracture usually stick to the missionary position and turn into pussycats for the rest of their lives
Do I need a prescription for vaniqa?
13 years ago