Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cialis online: part 2

While the pill is generally safe, a few side effects have also been reported. These rare side effects include headache, stomach upset, back pain, muscle pain, nasal stuffiness, flushing, pain in arms or legs, dizziness, or vision changes. If any of these effects persist or worsen, one should definitely see a health care professional.

The drug is also widely sold on cyberspace at big discounts. Despite wide media reports on cyberspace, there are no approved generic versions of cialis available. The majority of cialis capsules on cyberspace are either fake or counterfeits. Buying Cialis online is a prescription for disaster. One can never be sure what the product is, what the ingredients are and where it was made. Countless cialis pills bought from cyberspace have been analyzed and found to be fake. The majority of fake pills originate from India and China.

Finally, cialis pills are not cheap. Depending on where you buy the pill and from whom, the average cost of a 5-10 mg pill is about $10-$20. Anytime you are sold a cialis pill that is less than that, one should always be suspicious. To get your money’s worth and avoid disappointments, cialis pills are best bought from reputable pharmacy- Cyberspace is good for surfing but the last place where one should be buying medications.

Should I buy cialis online?

Cialis has been approved as an impotence treatment and is readily available in most pharmacies. Cialis is used by millions of men all over the globe. The drug does work well for impotence.

Tadalafil or cialis is widely used to treat male sexual function problems (impotence or erectile dysfunction) by blocking a certain enzyme in the body. In combination with sexual stimulation, tadalafil helps increase blood flow to the penis which helps one achieve and maintain an erection. Even though the drug is not recommended for women, there is no practical reason why a female cannot take it. All users of cialis should understand that Cialis does not protect against sexually transmitted disease like herpes, gonorrhea, HIV, or syphilis.

Cialis can be taken when needed or it may be taken regularly once a day. Most people respond to a dose of 2.5 mg per day but in rare cases one may need to take 5 mg each day. Cialis works best when taken at least 30 minutes prior to sexual intercourse. The effects of cialis last anywhere from 12-24 hours. One should not take more than one tablet a day. During the day, one can attempt sexual activity at any time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Penile Fracture- Painful and definitely not fun part 4

The penis is not a bone and so most people are surprised to hear that a male can develop a penile fracture. Penile fractures are not common in medicine and only a few cases are reported each year.

For those individuals who cannot imagine a penis fracturing, it is very similar to a car tire. When a fully inflated car tire has a puncture, the tire goes flat- this is very similar to a penile fracture- except that instead of air, blood leak out

The penis is made up of muscle. The muscle is enclosed in a very strong sheath, known as the tunica. The tunica maintains rigidity in the penile muscles during an erection. During an erection, the tunica is stretched and becomes thin. The tunica is a a tough substance and does not easily tear. However, sometimes there is excessive force of torque on the penis and fracture results. The tunica develops a tear which results in blood leaking out

Penile Fracture- Painful and definitely not fun Part 3

Most people regain both sexual function and ability pass urine in a few months. The recovery period in most cases is about 6 weeks. During the healing phase it is highly recommended that one avoid masturbation, sexual intercourse and anything to do with the penis and sex.

For those hyper sexed males who have erections all the time, you will probably be given some diazepam or valium to prevent premature erections and allow the incision site to heal.

After recovery many individuals do become hesitant about sexual intercourse and some may require injections of certain drugs to help maintain the erection. Other individuals may be so afraid of sex that psychotherapy may be in order. For those individuals who are shy to seek medical help, when penile fracture is not treated the scar tissue will cause severe disfiguring of the penis and prevent erections. At this stage, it is almost impossible to reverse the problem.

Like any other fracture in the body, penile fracture is not a life long problem if treatment is undertaken in time. Most people go on to lead a normal sexual life after this incident. Individuals who have had a prior penile fracture usually stick to the missionary position and turn into pussycats for the rest of their lives

Penile Fracture- Painful and definitely not fun Part 2

Sometimes penis fracture occurs when the female partner on top bends the penis in unnatural position during her frenzied movements. Anyone who practices odd and stressful sexual positions is prone to penile fracture. However it is not always the position but also the forceful motions that are required to produce the trauma.

Once an individual has developed a penile fracture, urgent treatment is required. This is not something you can sit at home and hope that it will get better. If the condition is not treated promptly, one may develop a very obvious deformity in the penis. Further, the ability to have future erections or the ability to maintain an erection may be compromised.

Diagnosis of penile fracture is straight forward. Sometimes the physician may get an Ultrasound to confirm the presence of blood .If urethral injury is suspected, the physician may get a radiological dye study to determine the point of injury.

Surgery to treat
penile fracture is not difficult. Years ago, most emergency room physicians would muck around with their home made regimens like ice, aspirin, and compression bandages. This is an old school of thought. Today, surgery is undertaken to remove the blood clots and repair the fracture site. The recovery is short and there is minimal pain.

Penile Fracture- Painful and definitely not fun

Fracture of the penis generally only occurs when the penis is erect. The penis becomes erect because of engorgement with blood. The fracture typically occurs when the individual is forcefully thrusting at the vaginal opening and misses. The penis than hits the outside genital area at an abnormal angle and fractures. When a penile fracture occurs, all the blood in the muscles of the penis leaks out and escapes in the surround tissue.

Penile fracture is very painful and often associated with an audible popping sound. The penis will at once become flaccid and the entire area around the groin and thigh will appear blue. In about a third of cases, the penile fracture will also be associated with damage to the urethra (tube that carries urine) and the individual will not be able to urinate. Frank blood may be visible at the tip of the penis near the urethral opening.

Penile fractures also occurs during rough masturbation when the penis is torqued into unnatural positions. In some parts of the Middle East, young men like to have sex in bizarre and unnatural positions – often leading to penile fracture. Other men like to place their penis inside bottles, vacuum devices, and suction cups. Occasionally things go wrong and the penis fractures. In very rare case, penile fracture can occur in a flaccid penis if heavy blunt trauma strikes the groin.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sexual Addiction 101 Part 2

Signs of a sexual addicts vary but in general include the following:

-Excessive masturbation

-Infidelity and multiple affairs outside the marriage

-Multiple known and unknown sexual partners

-Always interested in pornography

-Practicing unsafe sex

-Habit of practicing phone or cybersex

-Frequenting prostitutes

-Impulsive behavior such as exhibitionism, voyeurism

-Frequent use of “sex” dating agencies


-Molestation of minors

-Continued verbal talk about sex and having bizarre fantasies

-Spends most of his/her money on “sex” related items

Sexual addicts generally never attain satisfaction from any of their activities and always feel unsatisfied- this is why the behavior progresses. Most sexual addicts never form bonds or relationships with their sexual partners. At the end of the usually short relationships, there is always a feeling of guilt, shame or sorrow. A common theme observed among sexual addicts is that even though they know the impulsive behavior can be destructive or dangerous, they generally have no control over the thoughts.

Sexual addiction is difficult to treat because most individuals deny they have a problem. Most cases come to recognition when there is a tragedy, family break up, divorce, arrests or a medical crises. Even at this point the sexual addict will generally blame others for the problems.

While medications like prozac may help control the obsessive thoughts, the major emphasis of treatment is based on some form of psychotherapy. Treatment is like any other addiction and involves education, counseling and some type of family therapy. Reports of success are few and far between. Part of the problem is that we live in a very liberal society with lots of freedom. As soon as these individuals complete their treatment sessions, many return back to their original lifestyle.- and start surfing cyberspace.

Sexual Addiction 101 Part 1

In the last few years, the term Sexual addiction is often mentioned in the lay press. What is hard to define is what constitutes Sexual addiction? The term sexual addiction is generally used to describe behavior of an individual who has an extraordinary sex drive or is fixated on sex.

The individual’s entire thinking is surrounded by thoughts of sex, thus making it very difficult for him/her to engage in any type of healthy interpersonal relations. While most people believe that sexual addicts are male this is not entirely true. The exact numbers of individuals with this type of behavior are lacking but there are also a number of women with such disturbed thinking.

Most of these individuals live a secrete life but often friends and family notice the obsession with sex. Besides distorted thinking, these individuals also have a habit of making excuses and generally tend to blame everyone else, except them.
It has been observed that sexual addicts are also risk takers or have impulsive behaviors. The individual for example may have sex with stranger(s) without first thinking of the consequences- which are generally negative and dangerous. Most of these individuals have such a strong preoccupation with sex, that it affects their jobs, lifestyle and social life.

In the beginning, the sexual addict may simply be watching pornographic videos on the internet, but more often than not, this progresses to reckless and illegal behavior such as exhibitionism, molestation, peeping, voyerism, or making obscene phone calls. While the majority of these sexual addicts do not become sex offenders, a few do have violent thoughts and go on to become sexual predators.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Demographics of autoerotic practice

Demographical Detail

Most cases of autoeroticism are reported by males under the age of 40. There are reports of individuals in the early teenager years who have tried this practice and succumbed to death. It is felt by some in psychiatry that many individuals practice this behavior soon after puberty. Even though some women have been found to have died in similar circumstances, it has always been difficult to rule out suicide homicide and accidental death. But even so, women are a rarity in this business.

It is not known why and what generates this behavior in some and not others. Fatal cases to date have revealed that the majority of victims are white and in the age group 15-25. Although other races may be involved, data are not forthcoming. Almost all victims are from middle to upper class families with strict religious backgrounds and affectionate families. Most males are described as heterosexual, smart, often over achievers, with ample friends and otherwise a typical life. They are not depressed or suicidal in any way.

There are no outward signs or features of individuals who practice this behavior. Most individuals have been found to be in otherwise healthy sexual relationships with minimal deviation in their sexual practices. Why then does one practice such behaviors?

Almost always, the individual is alone when he carries out this activity and the location is a private or isolated place. When confined to the home, the activity is carried out in the basement or the attic, especially when the family is away.

Who Practices Autoeroticism

Current day fads

Autoeroticism has been the latest thing topic in the sexual tabloids and in Hollywood glamour magazines, particularly when a famous personality actor dies in bizarre circumstances. Such was purportedly the case with the deaths of Jerry Kosinski (in 1991 and Michael Hutchence (in 1997), though no confirmation to maintain the claim was produced in either case. The death in 1994 of Stephen Milligan, the British Conservative MP for Eastleigh, was a case of auto-erotic asphyxiation combined with self-bondage. This combination proved to be lethal for him.

An unintentional death due to autoerotic asphyxiation was an essential plot ingredient in the film The Ruling Class (1972, starring Peter O'Toole. It was also a prime theme in Rising Sun, a movie starring Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes, based on the book by Michael Crichton. It is also portrayed in the movie Ken Park.


The statistics regarding autoerotic deaths are unknown but it is suspected that in the United States, there are about 800-1000 deaths each year. In a number of cases of autoerotic deaths, there is confusion between accidental death and suicide.

Estimates of this type of sexual practice are hard to come by. No one actually brags about doing it. Data are only available from the deceased and forensic studies. The world we live in today and the usual sexual practices no longer stir up any more sexual excitement. Autoeroticism is a hardcore game with the ultimate sexual thrill.

Autoeroticism is generally practiced in solitude although rarely, it may be practiced with other members of the same sex. The name of the game is to produce hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in a multitude of ways.

History of Autoeroticism


Autoeroticism has its origins from observations of public hangings in Europe. Historically, erections, and frequently ejaculations, were frequently observed during public executional hangings in the Europe. In England, brothel owners frequently experimented with the act of hanging as a treatment for impotence in the 1600’s.

In the late 1700’s, a Czechoslovakian musician by the name of Kotzwarra often requested prostitutes to hang him, sometimes for up to five minutes. Eventually this activity lead to his death and thus the coined the future term "Kotzwarizism" as a reference for sexual asphyxia (autoerotic death).

The practice of autoeroticism from of sexual asphyxia has also been observed in different cultures throughout the world. Inuit children have been well-known to play a sexual game where they strangle each other (the reason why remain unknown); it is also said to be a frequent sexual practice among Asians to seize the partner’s throat in a choking/strangling method. The practice has also been described in the Yaghans of South America, the Celts, and the Shoshone-Bannock Indian.

Autoeroticism Part 2

The ultimate aim of this practice is to obtain sexual Nirvana and ecstasy and most people who practice this death defying sexual feat are well aware of the risks involved and the likelihood of loss of consciousness- but they all believe that they are immune from death.

From the cases studied, it appears that most individuals are vigilant and set up some form of a safety device which will prevent accidental death. Unfortunately, sometimes these safety devices do not always work and death is the inevitable result.

Upon questioning individuals who practice this hazardous sexual practice, it is evident that autoeroticism is not meant to be a form of suicide. It is legitimately done to obtain a sexual thrill and live through to it do it again.

The deaths of these individuals are a complete shock to family and friends who vouch that the individual had no suicidal tendencies.

Autoeroticism and Death

“Who dies in youth and vigor, dies the best”.

Alexander Pope

Autoerotic fatalities
are deaths caused by unusual and risky introverted sexual practices such as self-bondage and autoerotic asphyxia. However, occasionally more strange forms of autoerotic death also occur. The most common causes of death in autoerotic fatalities are strangulation and hanging but autoerotic deaths have also resulted from other methods, including electrocution, sepsis after rupture of colon (from insertion of foreign bodies in the rectum), crushing injuries, and accidental self-impalement.

Autoeroticism is an extreme form of masturbation in which asphyxiating or choking is the pursuit of the physiological effects connected with decreased oxygen (blood) supply to the brain. Strangulation (which interferes with blood supply to the brain) is almost certainly more perilous than suffocation (cutting off air flow to the lungs by covering the nose and mouth). But, both can be lethal.

When the oxygen in the body drops, all these forms of behavior have a bigger possibility of affecting the heart by altering the rate, rhythm and contraction. Heart attacks are not unheard off after autoerotic activities.

The name of the game is to decrease blood flow to the brain, which is purported to intensify the sexual gratification. It is an exceedingly dangerous practice that results in many deaths each year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

VIAGRA FOR WOMEN- Nirvana for everyone Part 4

Despite the initial marketing of Viagra for men only, women are increasingly rushing to buy the magic pill. Hell, what is good for the goose should be good enough for the gander. Almost most doctors who prescribe this agent to women say that women are happy and the men are happier.

Most women who have been surveyed demonstrate more and better sexual satisfaction after taking Viagra. Data from physicians and pharmacies indicate that women comprise more than 25% of individuals who buy Viagra and the number is rising exponentially. How Viagra works in females is not really known but like the male, is believed to increase blood flow to the genitalia.

A study investigating the effects of Viagra on single women revealed that after taking Viagra, these women watched more erotic movies and used the vibrator more often. Needless to say, all the women went wild, including the investigator- again proof that Viagra makes girls go wild.

Viagra unfortunately does not help all women. For those women who are not interested in sex or get no pleasure from sex, Viagra is of no benefit. Viagra seems to be helping those women who have difficulties with lubrication of the genitalia and this account for about 30-50% of females.

There are some pure sexologists who claim that just increasing blood flow to the clitoris is not adequate to treat all types of sexual dysfunction in women. And no one disagrees to this statement. Everyone agrees that sexual dysfunction in a female can have multiple causes such as poor sexual technique by the male, lack of affection, lack of foreplay, poor self image, little or no confidence. And these purists claim that Viagra is just a waste of one’s money.

However, for these theoretical purist: it is better to have a wet than a dry vagina and I am sure most men and women would agree to that, and it saves one from carrying packets of Vaseline in his pocket or her purse.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

VIAGRA FOR WOMEN- Nirvana for everyone Part 3

Female sexual dysfunction has many causes- some psychological and some physiological. Some of the psychological causes may include a troubled marriage, impending divorce, children, illness, sexual abuse, career goals, death in family, financial difficulties and so on. Physiological causes of sexual dysfunction are numerous also, but overall, it is thought that the psychological causes may be more common.

A woman's lack of sexual interest is often tied to her relationship with her partner, says Sandra Lieblum, director for sexual and marital health at the UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, N.J. "The important sex organ [for women] is between the ears. Men need a place for having sex — women need a purpose," she says.

It is thought that the female views sexual relationship quite differently from men. The physical attributes of men such as big Kaunas (genitals), size of the penis (large or small) does not play a major role in female sexual arousal. For a female, the psychological component appears to play a bigger role in their sexual needs. Based on these findings, it was always believed that there will never be any chemical, drug, spice or aphrodisiac which will want females to have sex all the time.

While Viagra has still not been officially approved for use in the female population, doctors have been writing prescriptions of Viagra for their female patients. Despite the lack of clinical trials about the benefit of Viagra in women, there are tons of anecdotal reports of the drugs’ magic. Most women who have used Viagra claim one thing: Viagra sure can re-create the honeymoon atmosphere and sensual paradise is achieved again and again.

Monday, February 16, 2009

VIAGRA FOR WOMEN- Nirvana for everyone part 2

The rush to buy Viagra is unabated. Men still rush to buy this new magic portion, trying to impress the females with their sexual stamina besides their good looks and smart talk. Today, the drug rivals the major drugs used to treat diabetes and hypertension in terms of pills sold. When it first came out, the drug was rated number one-both in terms of the sexual erections achieved and the billions of dollars it was generating.

Everyone wanted the drug-even those who were paralyzed, those who were in wheelchairs, those who could barely speak, those in prison (during the initial Viagra epidemic, more prisoners ordered the Viagra than most hospital pharmacies), web sites were pimping it and of course, the drug was also available on the black market. Now America was happy, at least the men.

But there was something a miss and just like everything in life, the question was what about the women? Men using Viagra were happy but would men be happier if women used Viagra? Could men and women take a trip to Shangri la together?

Over the past 3 decades, it has become known that women also experience sexual dysfunction and the incidence is just as high as in men. Despite what men think, not all is hunky dory in the female world either. So could Viagra prove to be the solution to sexual dysfunction in women?

VIAGRA FOR WOMEN- Nirvana for everyone part 1

Viagra first came on the market about a decade ago and rapidly grabbed the headlines as the ultimate sex stimulant, for man at least. Within a 2 year period of its introduction, the drug had replaced all the so called “aphrodisiacs” and became a major money maker for the pharmaceutical industry.

Viagra was initially developed because it showed great potential in the treatment of high pressures in the lung (pulmonary hypertension). However, it was soon noticed that many of the individuals who were being treated for this troubling condition, started to develop erections (a novelty and nirvana for these sick patients who were struggling to survive). No matter how much doctors care about their patients, they care more about the penis. If there ever was a serendipitous discovery, this was one. Hell with the treatment of the lung problem (pulmonary hypertension) said the drug company, Pfizer.

The drug company, Pfizer, being a quick opportunist, started to market the drug as a “sex enhancer”. And men being men with their sexual overdrive were the subject of the initial Viagra market by Pfizer. Anything to do with sex, men are always eager to spend a few bucks, and so the billions started role in for Pfizer. Almost every internet web site on sex was inundated with Viagra for sale, with one single pill costing anywhere from $ 20-50, and of course, many a site were also selling fake Viagra pills. When the fake Viagra failed to work, Men, as always blamed it on the female counterpart.

The drug was immediately marketed as the ultimate sex pill and like no other drug before, it instantly became the first billion dollar drug- just by providing males with the ultimate MACHISMO. Even today, 10 years later, despite the fact that Viagra has provided great benefits to patients with pulmonary hypertension, very few physicians know about this therapeutic benefit- but they all know about its ability to potentiate an erection.

Infact the majority of Viagra samples given to physicians by drug representatives are taken home and used by the physicians, themselves. Heck with the patients.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 8

Post surgery

After surgery, it is recommended that you wear jockey shorts and keep the area clean and dry. The penile area is usually bruised and tender for about 2-3 weeks. Sutures are generally removed at the first post surgery visit which is about 7-10 days. Manual stretching at one week and a weight program is highly recommended. Various light traction devices are available and used for 2-3 weeks. Some patients go over board and place traction for 3- 6 months to further lengthen the penis. Masturbation and sexual intercourse is avoided for 4-8 weeks. No sports is recommended during this time.


The surgery is by no means cheap and can cost anywhere from $6,000-$10,000. As with all cosmetic surgery, one should never forget that the penile enlargement is strictly cosmetic. Penile widening is always more expensive when the girth is widen with fillers. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis and done under general anesthesia. The procedure takes about 2-3 hours. There are no refunds.


Plastic surgery for the penis is here to stay and men will continually seek surgeons to increase length and width of their penis. The majority of these men have a distorted body image perception of their genitalia. These men would be best served by psychological counseling before undertaking surgery. In an environment where medicine and money go hand in hand, the surgeon is not the appropriate person to seek advice on the reasons for surgery.

Penile enlargement is not a simple undertaking and is an elective cosmetic procedure. If you choose to obtain surgical penis enlargement, be sure to check the credentials of your surgeon (e.g., board certification) and carefully weigh the risks and potential benefits. The surgery is expensive and the results unpredictable. Today the procedure is done by the urologist, plastic surgeons and some other cosmetic surgeons. One has to have realistic expectations about the results.

Like any cosmetic procedure there is a band wagon of individuals performing it and there is a lot of money involved. So in the final analysis, ask and be informed not only about the surgeon but also the results and possible complications. If still in doubt, a visit to the psychiatrist as to why one wants a cosmetic procedure may not only be cheaper but safer in the long run.

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 7


Like any surgery, there is always the potential for complications. Besides the risk of complications from anesthesia, the penis will appear swollen, there is moderate pain, bruising of the skin is common, infection is possible, there may be altered sensation and the ability to have an erection will be lost for a few weeks.

Unfortunately no reliable data are available regarding the criteria for success or complication rates of these techniques. A few reports indicate that release of the suspensory ligament can decrease the angle of elevation of the erect penis. Paradoxical penile shortening can also occur, as a result of spontaneous reattachment of the ligament to the pubis bone. Skin advancement can cause severe deformities, including unnatural hair growth proximal to the penile stump. Utilizing a large flap can impair blood supply, leading to poor wound healing, possible dehiscence, and in some cases hypertrophic scarring.

Penile enlargement, even in the best of hands, has a number of healing related complications. In some cases, the deformity of the penis is so severe that sexual function is impaired. In such cases, an artificial penile prosthesis may be needed to be inserted at the time of such surgery. A number of individuals require repeat surgery for one of these problems- and the results of the second surgery are even less predictable than the first surgery

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 6

Surgery for penile elongation

Penile elongation is done in several ways. In obese individuals, the penis is always hidden by the enlarged pubic mound. In such cases, the surgeon removes the fat by liposuction and this makes the penis appear longer. Another method is to cut the suspensory ligaments which hold the penis at the base of the pubis. These two techniques give the illusion that the penis has elongated by several cms.

Another related procedure for penile elongation is the advancement of an infrapubic skin flap onto the penis. The rationale for this technique is to protrude the external portion of the penis via a skin flap.

Girth enlargement

Penile width enlargement is a controversial procedure with no medical indications for it. Penile width is usually increased by injection of various substances just below the penile skin. Fat, collagen or silicone have all been injected into the penis to increase the girth. This is not without complications and the procedure can cause deformation, distortion and an uneven penis.

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 5

Psychological counseling for the penis

Many in the medical community strongly believe that men, who are dissatisfied with their penis size, should think very carefully before subjecting themselves to surgery which is experimental and high risk, especially when the penis is normal to begin with.

A psychological referral may be appropriate to reassure the men that they are normal and do not require cosmetic surgery to satisfy their partner.

Unfortunately, the majority of men never opt for this therapy because their logical sense of thinking is lost. It is the responsibility of every professional involved in sexual medicine to provide balanced and well-supported advice on these issues.

History of penile enlargement surgery

The idea of penis enlargement is not novel. Almost every culture has had a preoccupation with a small penis and made attempts to increase the size. Some cultures have used traction on the penis, others have inserted pins and needles in the penis and yet others have used weights tied to a string to enlarge the penis and some courageous Incas have even let snakes bite their penis- albeit none of them was successful in enlarging the penis but all led to severely deformed penis.

However, our North American forefathers were not amused by these techniques of penile enlargement and North Americans had to wait until the 1980s for surgical techniques to be developed.

The pioneering surgery on the penis was first done in China but it is the Americans who wanted to have the biggest and the best, and so it is here that penile enlargement techniques have flourished.

Despite the fact that penile enlargement techniques are still in infancy and not recognized by the various Surgical Boards, the market for this surgery is immense. No set rules, standards or quality control measures exist for this surgery, even today.

Despite the surgery having being done for about 2 decades, the procedure is still considered experimental and risky. Complications are still widely common, and difficult to predict. Like the beginnings of any new surgical procedure, penile enlargement is still in its infancy and fraught with unchartered territory.

The procedure is still only done by a few surgeons and the procedure remains unrecognized by the Surgical Organizations.

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 4

Bigger Penis

There is a multi millionaire dollar market advertising ways to enlarge the penis. Every day, a new drug, herb or pill is discovered to enlarge the penis- all of this is based on no scientific data.

Despite this, men flock by the thousands in search for this penile “Shangri la”. The pills offer an illusive glorious sex life, with women screaming for more and more sex.

Every non-surgical method of penile enlargement claim that the pills are safe, effective, cheap and will even enlarge the penis at night by several inches.

Despite 3 decades and millions of pills sold for penile enlargement, not a single individual has even a 1mm extension to his organ.

The one common theme about all the herbs, lotions, potions, liquids, pills, tablets and formuals is that none of them work- at least not on the penis.

They only work to empty your pocket money.

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 3

The Small Phallus

Men in general have little clue as to what a normal sized penis is. The majority of men feel that they have a small penis and this feeling is not helped by the explosion of pornography on the internet and TV. Even males with large penis start to feel sexually inferior after viewing all the pornography.

Throughout history, size of the penis has been a major preoccupation with men. Feelings about small penile size has led many men to lose confidence, develop anxiety and become socially withdrawn. Most men believe that penis size is important for a men’s ego and identity, and this is the only thing that sexually satisfies a woman. Like all things American, bigger is better is a deeply embedded myth.

Today, most studies indicate that across all ethnic groups, the average size of the flaccid penis is 3-4 inches in length and when erect the average size is 5-6 inches. Despite most women claiming that penile size is not important, men still remain preoccupied with the size of the phallus.

Ask any men and all would love to have a longer penis

Penile Enlargement: Illusion or Fact- Part 2

Everyday single day come-on ads offering a bigger penis are plastered in magazines and web pages all over the internet. Drugs, herbs, spices and pills are advertised which can increase the penis size all claiming to be the magic panacea to a man’s troubles. And the sad fact is that many men fall prey to such ads because they all believe that they have a smaller penis and secondly that some pill can make the penis bigger. And for those still in search for Nirvana, there is surgery to enlarge the penis.

Beneath this perception of an inadequate penile length, a number of men may benefit from psychological counseling.

Hospital estimates reveal that at least a quarter of a million men have some type of penile enlargement procedure each year. The surgery for penile enlargement is based on two principles: the first step is to increase the length by making an incision at the base of the penis and excising the ligament that normally anchors the penis to the pubic bone. The procedure alone allows for extension of the penis by 2-4 cms.

The second part of surgery involves widening of the penis to increase the girth. This part of the procedure requires the addition of a “filler” under the skin of the penis.

The filler can increase the girth by 20-30%.