Demographical Detail
Most cases of autoeroticism are reported by males under the age of 40. There are reports of individuals in the early teenager years who have tried this practice and succumbed to death. It is felt by some in psychiatry that many individuals practice this behavior soon after puberty. Even though some women have been found to have died in similar circumstances, it has always been difficult to rule out suicide homicide and accidental death. But even so, women are a rarity in this business.
It is not known why and what generates this behavior in some and not others. Fatal cases to date have revealed that the majority of victims are white and in the age group 15-25. Although other races may be involved, data are not forthcoming. Almost all victims are from middle to upper class families with strict religious backgrounds and affectionate families. Most males are described as heterosexual, smart, often over achievers, with ample friends and otherwise a typical life. They are not depressed or suicidal in any way.
There are no outward signs or features of individuals who practice this behavior. Most individuals have been found to be in otherwise healthy sexual relationships with minimal deviation in their sexual practices. Why then does one practice such behaviors?
Almost always, the individual is alone when he carries out this activity and the location is a private or isolated place. When confined to the home, the activity is carried out in the basement or the attic, especially when the family is away.
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