The rush to buy Viagra is unabated. Men still rush to buy this new magic portion, trying to impress the females with their sexual stamina besides their good looks and smart talk. Today, the drug rivals the major drugs used to treat diabetes and hypertension in terms of pills sold. When it first came out, the drug was rated number one-both in terms of the sexual erections achieved and the billions of dollars it was generating.
Everyone wanted the drug-even those who were paralyzed, those who were in wheelchairs, those who could barely speak, those in prison (during the initial Viagra epidemic, more prisoners ordered the Viagra than most hospital pharmacies), web sites were pimping it and of course, the drug was also available on the black market. Now America was happy, at least the men.
But there was something a miss and just like everything in life, the question was what about the women? Men using Viagra were happy but would men be happier if women used Viagra? Could men and women take a trip to Shangri la together?
Over the past 3 decades, it has become known that women also experience sexual dysfunction and the incidence is just as high as in men. Despite what men think, not all is hunky dory in the female world either. So could Viagra prove to be the solution to sexual dysfunction in women?
Do I need a prescription for vaniqa?
13 years ago