The idea of penis enlargement is not novel. Almost every culture has had a preoccupation with a small penis and made attempts to increase the size. Some cultures have used traction on the penis, others have inserted pins and needles in the penis and yet others have used weights tied to a string to enlarge the penis and some courageous Incas have even let snakes bite their penis- albeit none of them was successful in enlarging the penis but all led to severely deformed penis.
However, our North American forefathers were not amused by these techniques of penile enlargement and North Americans had to wait until the 1980s for surgical techniques to be developed.
The pioneering surgery on the penis was first done in China but it is the Americans who wanted to have the biggest and the best, and so it is here that penile enlargement techniques have flourished.
Despite the fact that penile enlargement techniques are still in infancy and not recognized by the various Surgical Boards, the market for this surgery is immense. No set rules, standards or quality control measures exist for this surgery, even today.
Despite the surgery having being done for about 2 decades, the procedure is still considered experimental and risky. Complications are still widely common, and difficult to predict. Like the beginnings of any new surgical procedure, penile enlargement is still in its infancy and fraught with unchartered territory.
The procedure is still only done by a few surgeons and the procedure remains unrecognized by the Surgical Organizations.
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13 years ago