Despite the initial marketing of Viagra for men only, women are increasingly rushing to buy the magic pill. Hell, what is good for the goose should be good enough for the gander. Almost most doctors who prescribe this agent to women say that women are happy and the men are happier.
Most women who have been surveyed demonstrate more and better sexual satisfaction after taking Viagra. Data from physicians and pharmacies indicate that women comprise more than 25% of individuals who buy Viagra and the number is rising exponentially. How Viagra works in females is not really known but like the male, is believed to increase blood flow to the genitalia.
A study investigating the effects of Viagra on single women revealed that after taking Viagra, these women watched more erotic movies and used the vibrator more often. Needless to say, all the women went wild, including the investigator- again proof that Viagra makes girls go wild.
Viagra unfortunately does not help all women. For those women who are not interested in sex or get no pleasure from sex, Viagra is of no benefit. Viagra seems to be helping those women who have difficulties with lubrication of the genitalia and this account for about 30-50% of females.
There are some pure sexologists who claim that just increasing blood flow to the clitoris is not adequate to treat all types of sexual dysfunction in women. And no one disagrees to this statement. Everyone agrees that sexual dysfunction in a female can have multiple causes such as poor sexual technique by the male, lack of affection, lack of foreplay, poor self image, little or no confidence. And these purists claim that Viagra is just a waste of one’s money.
However, for these theoretical purist: it is better to have a wet than a dry vagina and I am sure most men and women would agree to that, and it saves one from carrying packets of Vaseline in his pocket or her purse.
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13 years ago