Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sleep apnea and deviated septum

My doctor recommended correcting my nasal septum deviation to treat my sleep apnea. Any suggestions?

Leave town and change your address. This doctor is a first rate idiot and simply wants to ruin your life. There is ZERO evidence that a deviated nasal septum causes sleep apnea. Even after correction of the septum, there is no guarantee that the sleep apnea will disappear. 

Anyone who recommends correction of a deviated septum to treat sleep apnea is a big time scoundrel. Please go and see a reputable doctor for your sleep apnea. Surgery is not the first choice of treatment for sleep apnea. In addition, most of the surgeries for sleep apnea result in horrific life long complications. 

I also suggest you report this doctor to the state licensing board for trying to perform a completely necessary procedure. He/She definitely needs to be audited for unnecessary surgeries.