Thursday, December 12, 2013

Depressed diabetic

I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and feel depressed. Is there a medication I can take which is safe.?

The latest SSRIs are relatively safe. No matter what antidepressant you take, you will need to frequently monitor your blood sugars initially to ensure that there are no drug interactions. Go and see a psychiatrist who deals with these medications on a regular basis. I should warn you that almost all antidepressants will cause a slight increase in weight gain, so incorporate exercise and eat healthy. St John wort is another option, but i think you should first speak to the psychiatrist.

Stents for erectile failure

Recently my doctor recommended that I have stents placed to reverse my erectile dysfunction. Does this work?

Stents are the latest fad for the treatment of ED, but there is ZERO guarantee that they will work. If you have no blocked blood vessels, then putting stents is a complete waste of money. The radiologists recommend this because they make money. There are 1000s of diabetics with normal blood vessels in their pelvis and yet have erectile failure. So placing a stent is useless. Even if you have a blocked blood vessel, placing a stent may not reverse the erectile failure. Surgery procedures to correct erectile failure were done in the 80s and 90s-the results were abysmal.

Remember, in medicine there are some doctors who make a living scamming patients by doing unnecessary procedures. The procedure will cost you a minimum of $7,000-$10,000 with ZERO guarantee of success. So buyer beware. Please change your doctor.

Diabetic who can't get it up

I have been diabetic for 4 years and already I have erectile difficulties. Is this related?

Most likely, it is well known that diabetes causes erectile dysfunction. This disorder can occur at any age and often bears no correlation to levels of glucose. Many diabetics with well-controlled sugars also have the same problem. Once ED occurs in diabetics, there is no cure. The only solution is to use Viagra and keep the levels of stress at a low level. Try to maintain your blood sugars under good control as you do not want to develop any more complications.

Traveling as a diabetic

I am traveling outside the country and am a type 1 diabetic. I am on an insulin pump. What supplies do I need?

Well, it depends where you are traveling. In most of Europe, you can get all the supplies but if you travel to Africa or some parts of Central America, you will be out of luck. My best advice for diabetics who travel is to carry their own syringes and your own supplies. You never know the status of the healthcare facilities outside the USA. If you are on an insulin pump, my advice is buy an insulin pen, which is easier to use and associated with fewer hassles. Going with an insulin pump overseas can be tricky, because the supplies may not match what your are using. Rest assured, vacation resorts will bring in their own doctors who will sell you insulin/syringes at exorbitant prices.

Carbs in diabetes

I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and want to know how much carbohydrate I should consume on a daily basis.

In general, it is recommended that you get 60% of your calories from carbohydrates. If you ingest a 2000 calorie diet, this means about 1200 calories should be from carbohydrates. That is about 300 grams of carbohydrates/day. If you are a diabetic, I recommend you learn to read labels and understand calories.

Sweating in a diabetic

I have recently been diagnosed with diabetes and noticed that I sweat profusely at night. I take insulin and metformin. Is this related?

Most likely, Yes. It may be other things, but first i would rule out hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemic attacks can cause sweating, I suggest you see your doctor and you may need adjustment of your medications. I also recommend you measure your blood sugars when the sweating occurs to ensure that there is no concurrent hypoglycemia. It may be that you are taking too much insulin in the evening or not eating enough in the evening. Do not worry about things like the somogi or the dawn phenomenon; let your doctor sort that out.

Blisters in a diabetic

I am a diabetic female and recently while attending a social event, developed blisters on my feet because I was wearing tight shoes. Should I break them?

No, leave them alone. Since you are a diabetic, the best advice I can give is pay attention to your feet. Maintain good hygiene do not cut or do any thing that traumatizes your feet. Never ever go to a podiatrist because these professionals almost never check the pulses and start cutting-which eventually leads to amputations. For blisters that are intact, just wear comfortable shoes and leave them alone. For broken blisters, there is no need to apply any antibiotic, unless they are infected.

Diabetic and losing hair

I am a 24 year old and am losing my hair. I am also a diabetic. Is there any way to prevent it?

Since you are a diabetic, I would recommend getting your thyroid hormone checked- it is one cause of hair loss. If that is okay, then you have very few choices. None of the drugs for hair loss work and are a complete waste of money. You may wear a wig or a hat.

Alternatively, you can apply black shoe polish to cover the bald patches. If you are very distressed take some Prozac and learn to love your scalp. There is no good treatment of hair loss except for a hair transplant, which costs 1000s of dollars and may or may not work.

Natural thyroid hormone

I have an under functioning thyroid gland and do not want to take the synthetic thyroid hormone. Is there something natural I can take?

Sure go to a doctor and ask for extracts of thyroid hormone. These have been derived from pigs or cows. The desiccated powder dose is 30-60 mg a day. 

The main reason many doctors do not recommend extracts from cows is because of the risk of contracting mad cow disease- which is universally fatal. So the ultimate choice is yours.

Type 2 diabetes Cure

Is it possible to reverse type 2 diabetes?

Sure. Many people have had cure of their type 2 diabetes. The only way to do it is by losing weight. Losing weight enhances the sensitivity of insulin and makes it easier to control blood sugars. If you remain motivated and dedicated to exercise, you can be diabetes free. This only applies to type 2 diabetes. By losing weight, you also lower your blood pressure and lipids. Good luck.

Liposuction on the breast

My surgeon performed liposuction on my breasts which were heavy. Now I have intense pain at the site. Is this normal?

First, I am not sure why the surgeon elected to do liposuction to remove fat from the breasts. This is not the right procedure to reduce breast size. It can cause asymmetry between the breast and often excess dimpling of skin will occur. What surgeons never tell you is that surgery on the breast is painful, especially when done with a scope or a suction cannula. I think you will need prescription strength pain pills for sometime. The abnormal sensations will stay for a long time. Change your surgeon-please.

Gallbladder surgery

How long is recovery after removal of the gallbladder?

In most cases 4-6 weeks. Despite what surgeons claim, many patients continue to have moderate pain at the port sites. A few patients may recover faster. If you have been told that you have gallstones, the surgery is never urgent and you should take your time. If the gallstones do not bother you, just move on with your life.

botched hernia surgery

I had inguinal hernia surgery and now have severe burning pain into my groin and thigh. Is this normal part of recovery?

Inguinal hernia surgery is very painful but burning pain that radiates to the groin and thigh is not part of recovery. I think your surgeon damaged one of the two nerves that run next to the hernia. The treatment for this pain is very difficult and I think you should speak to the surgeon first. Do not jump in for a second surgery to correct the nerve damage, but speak to a malpractice lawyer first. The pain is lifelong and so your damages are high.

Breast augmentation in males

Can a male undergo breast enhancement surgery?

Sure, why not. But I think before you do that, you should see a psychiatrist and explain why you want boobs. Unlike females, breast enlargement in males is a long drawn out process because males do not have adequate skin or tissue to cover the implant. Good luck. I seriously recommend Prozac first before surgery. Speak to men who have undergone sex gender change surgery and they will explain the hassles and the costs.

Breast growth in a man

I have been diagnosed with gynecomastia. Am a 24 year old male. What are my options?

First, if the breast growth is miniscule and does not bother you, leave it alone. If you are not the type of person who is always without a shirt , then again leave the disorder alone. The major reason for treatment is cosmesis. Most men do not like breast buds sticking out of their shirt. If you hate the breasts, then the best option I suggest is liposuction. A needle can be used to remove the fat and you go home the same day. Mind you, it is painful and you will be sore for many days. In addition, it will cost you several thousand dollars.

If you have the money, go for it. If you do not have the money, just take a prozac. Gynecomastia is harmless and many men have breast buds, especially alcoholics. In young men, I recommend waiting because in many cases, the breast growth will regress.

Wound infection in diabetic

I am a diabetic and recently had surgery to remove my appendix. After surgery, the wound has become infected. Will antibiotics help?

Wow, if you are a diabetic, I suggest you go back to the surgeon and let him/her assess the wound. After an appendectomy, wound infections are quite common depending on the surgeon’s technical performance. You may need antibiotics but I would go back today. In diabetics, any small infection can quickly spread.

Achilles tendon surgery screwed up

Recently I had repair of my Achilles tendon for the 2nd time. The surgery was complicated and now I have numbness and tingling on the lateral aspect of my foot. Is this related?

Most likely. Achilles tendon surgery when done for the 2nd time is usually associated with scars and adhesions. There is a small nerve which runs alongside the tendon which can easily be damaged if the surgeon did not take any precautions. I suggest you get a nerve study and confirm that. If the nerve is damaged, not much can be done now-but I would definitely recommend you consult a malpractice lawyer. In second time surgery, the surgeon should have monitored the course of the nerve. You may need to take medications like lyrica to stop the numbness and

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bad bunion surgery

I recently had bunion surgery on my right toe. Now I have developed severe pain in the toe.  Is this part of recovery?

Bunion surgery is fraught with complications. The majority of patients do not achieve a satisfactory result. The surgery is done by both orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists. In my opinion the surgical skills of these professionals sucks. If you have pain after bunion surgery, then more likely the surgeon has cut or damaged a branch of the peroneal nerve in the toe. This nerve runs along the lateral aspect of the toe and is often stretched during the procedure. The pain can be burning and intense. The only remedy now is to take a pill that can diminish neuropathic pain. I would highly recommend that you see a malpractice lawyer, as the damages in your case are life long.

Back surgery and recovery

After back surgery for a compressed nerve, will I be back to normal?

Are you joking? Most patients are many times worse. So if you have not had surgery, think again and still, I would not recommend back surgery. The majority of patients who undergo back surgery are disabled for life. Of course, you will always meet one patient, who is ok, but that is rare. My best advice is do some type of exercise, lose weight and take painkillers. Unless the back surgery is for a life threatening condition, I would not advise.

I am a surgeon and have seen these orthopedic and neurosurgeons operate. Most are very poor technical surgeons and complications are common. You will a lot longer and have a better quality of life if you keep away from neck and back surgeons.

Recovery after Neck surgery

How long is recovery after neck surgery on my spine?

At least 6-8 weeks and longer if the surgeon has screwed up. Most people never recover. I think you should enroll in an exercise program and do some home exercises. There are lots of videos on YouTube about neck exercises. I do not recommend you waste money joining a physical therapy program. Many physical therapists all over the country have built exclusive spa like facilities; scamming insurance companies and self pay patients by recommending unnecessary exercises that never end.

Peeing constantly after a D & C

Recently I had a D & C. After a day, I noticed I was unable to control my bladder as the urine kept on flowing. Is this normal?

No urinating all the time is not normal. If this problem started after a D & C, then the probability is high that the surgeon caused a perforation of the bladder. The bladder sits on top of the uterus and can easily be perforated by the surgeon. In a D &C, sharp instruments are used to clean the uterus and a careless surgeon can easily poke a hole in the uterus and perforate the bladder. I think you need to see the surgeon and be worked up. If the bladder has been perforated, you will definitely need surgery to repair it. Keep all the bills, makes notes, take photos and then see a malpractice lawyer. You have a great case against this surgeon.

Bunion surgery gone wrong

Recently I had surgery on my bunion and now unable to move my toe at all. Should I start physical therapy?

No, it is time to see a lawyer. The surgeon in most probability has cut the tendon and that is the reason your toe does not move. This is a careless mistake often made by novice surgeons and podiatrists. Take pictures of your foot, see the surgeon and then see a good malpractice lawyer. You may need another surgery to reattach the tendon if the surgeon has not butchered it already. Cutting the tendon to the big toe results in life long disability and you may have difficulty with balance and gait. The lawyer will fix all of that.

C-section wound is draining

I recently had a C-section 8 days ago and my wound has opened up and is draining a lot of fluid. Is this a big deal? My doctor gave me antibiotics.

Wow, this may be a big deal. I would go to the nearest ED and get seen by a doctor. Slight drainage can occur with an infection, but a lot of drainage is never good news. It may be that the entire wound has broken down and the fluid is coming from inside the abdomen. Go to the ED and you will need a god malpractice lawyer because the treatment for this is not antibiotics, but a visit back to the operating room. Please dump this fool of a surgeon. He/she is simply careless and negligent for giving you antibiotics without examining you or ordering an US test.

Biopsy for hashimoto's

I am a 33 year old female and my doctor suspects I may have hashimoto thyroiditis. He recommends a formal biopsy. Is this necessary?

No, what sort of doctor are you going to? He must be a first rate scam artist. The diagnosis of hashimoto thyoiditis is made from a clinical history and blood tests. It is extremely rare to perform a biopsy to make a diagnosis. Please change your doctor and get a second opinion- this doctor sounds like an idiot who most probably never passed any medical exams or has never encountered a patient with hashimoto thyroiditis.

Hypothyroidism diet

I would like to know if there is a diet I can consume to reverse my low functioning thyroid?

Am sorry, there is no such diet. In the last 2 decades, nutritionists and physicians have been coming up with bogus diets for every medical disorder. Do not fall for this BS-these f..kers only are interested in scamming you. There is zero evidence that any particular diet can reverse hypothyroidism. So far the only remedy I know for successful treatment of low functioning thyroid is thyroid hormone replacement. Final point- thyroid hormone should always be taken on an empty stomach. That means you can take it 1 hour prior to a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Many foods can affect absorption of thyroid hormone.

Olive oil for low functioning thyroid

Recently on a trip to india I was told to take olive oil for my underactive thyroid. Does it work?

Indian is land of mystery. While they do have good doctors, the field of healthcare is in disarray with homeopaths, naturopaths, yogis, mother in laws, father in laws, uncles, aunts, etc all giving out medical advice and recommending treatment. Indians do tend to have strong beliefs in taking food products to maintain good health, but in many cases, this is a false notion. There is nothing wrong in taking olive oil in limited amounts, but it has no medicinal property. There is ZERO evidence that olive oil can reverse your low functioning thyroid gland. Best advice, go to a proper qualified doctor and get a prescription for a thyroid supplement

Low functioning thyroid

I have been told I have low functioning thyroid. Is there something over the counter I can take?

The established treatment for hypothyroidism is taking synthetic thyroid hormone. These products have been around for a century and are very safe, as long as you take the recommended dose. Within 2 weeks you will see a major difference in weight, skin texture and hair growth. Thyroid hormone will lower your body weight and your cholesterol.

If you are not a fan of synthetic drugs, then go to a health foodstore and buy the animal thyroxine (usually pig). These supplements are not regulated by the FDA and who knows what they contain. Most come from the Orient, and by now you should know that many food products and supplements from this part of the world, have been fakes and/or contain crap.

Hair loss remedy

Is there something I can buy over the counter to treat my hair loss? I am a 24 year old male.

The best thing I can suggest is black shoe polish. Just rub it on your scalp. It comes as a spray and a cream. Everything else is a waste of money. Not a single cream, lotion, potion, enema, pill, tablet, piss, animal feces, cow’s brain, rhino’s arse, elephant’s testes, lion’s penis, camel's tongue, etc…none of these work. If you do not like shoe polish, wear a wig, hat or take some prozac.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Alcoholic who can't get it up

I am a heavy drinker and often am unable to develop an erection. If I stop alcohol, will this reverse my erectile dysfunction?

In most men who discontinue alcohol, the erectile failure does reverse with time and there is no need to take Viagra, Cialis or Levitra.  Alcohol may induce the sexual desire but usually takes away the performance. To cure erectile dysfunction causes one also needs to correct the blood sugars, discontinue smoking and reduce weight. The erectile dysfunction pills are only a temporary solution but do provide a means to achieve satisfying sexual intercourse. However, if you discontinue alcohol, you will regain some of your erectile ability.

Cialis versus Viagra

How come I respond to Cialis but not to Viagra?

It is important for all men to know some facts about erectile dysfunction pills. These pills do not work in everyone and the same pill may not work in other individuals. It is important to correct both the psychological and physiological conditions causing erectile failure before you take Viagra or Cialis. At least 30-40 % of men do not respond to Viagra but they respond to Cialis. Why this occurs is unknown and perhaps related to differences in the enzymes in the penis or perhaps fake pills.

Generic phentermine

Does generic phentermine work for weight loss?

Sure, it will. Just do not buy the product online as you may get a fake. All generics in the USA must have the same therapeutic formula-the same cannot be said of generics you buy outside the USA. 

Go to a reliable retail pharmacy and the pill will help you lose weight. However, remember it will only work if you also eat less and walk. You need to remain motivated to continue exercise or walking. For couch potatoes who want to lose weight with phentermine-do not bother-it won’t work.

Dry Mouth

My mouth is constantly dry. Can you recommend something I can use?

Sure, try biotine. It is a dental product available as a crème, toothpaste and mouth wash. It does help relieve dry mouth and reduces rate of plaque formation.

Most people who have used the product claim it works well. I have to warn you -it is an expensive product. I would only buy one formula and try it out. Remember on the Internet, sometimes reviews are written by manufacturers and others who have been paid. So try and let me know if it really works. In the meantime, maintain good oral hygiene and drink ample water.

Safety of phentermine

Is phentermine a safe drug for weight loss?

For short periods it is a safe drug. Phentermine has been around for more than 70 years and works well. However, you have to be realistic. Do not expect to lose weight by just sitting on the couch. Phentermine works well if you do some type of exercise. Common adverse effects occlude palpitations, tremor, anxiety, and insomnia. If you have no heart disease or high blood pressure, you should be fine. The most weight you will lose is 1-2 pounds a month. After 6 months, most patients fail to respond.

Bad kidney and phentermine

I have poorly functioning kidney and want to take phentermine. Is this ok?

There are no data to suggest that phentermine is contraindicated in patients worth renal failure. Best advice, speak to your kidney doctor. However, I think if you take it for a short time (1-3 months), there should be no problem. Get your renal function monitored regularly. Make sure you walk, as the pill will not work if just sit on your couch.

Phentermine for weight loss from Canada

Can I get phentermine from Canada without a script?

First, phentermine is a controlled substance and you require a prescription. Second importation of prescription drugs is prohibited in the USA. Third, online Canadian pharmacies are nothing more than scams. In addition, more importantly, many online Canadian pharmacies sell fakes. Therefore, unless you want to go to prison, I would not recommend importing a controlled substance from a foreign country. When the DEA officers visit your home, I can assure you they will not be pleasant.

Fluoxetine and weight gain

I am on fluoxetine for my depression and have gained weight.  Can I take phentermine to lose weight?

I think you should be careful as there is chance of interaction.  Many antidepressants can interact with phentermine and increase the risk for seizures. I would recommend xenical instead of phentermine. However, do not take the fluoxetine at the same time as xenical, as it won't be absorbed. Best advice- walk more and eat less. Stop relying on medications for weight loss.

Results after lipodissolve

When does one see results after lipodissolve?

The majority only feel pain and agony. Most do not see any change in their body. The vendors claim it takes 4-8 weeks to see results. You can wait all your life but the only thing you will see is your name in the doctor’s office that a sucker was here.

Lipodissolve to remove fat in one session

Can lipodissolve remove fat in one session?

There is no skin disorder or procedure in all of cosmetic surgery that can be cured in a single session. Like car mechanics, plastic surgeons set up numerous sessions until you go broke. The vendors clams at least 2-6 sessions are needed. Each session is spaced 4-6 weeks apart. If the first session does nothing, then you are a sucker if you go back for another session.

How does Lipodissolve remove fat?

How does lipodissolve work?

Once Lipodissolve has been injected, it is speculated that the fat pockets gradually break up and the fat is removed by the body’s scavenging system. The actual time to reduce fat pockets can take weeks or even months or never. It is claimed that once the fat disappears, the skin become, smooth, soft and flat.

Unfortunately, you would be hard pressed to find one person who has lost fat pockets with this fraudulent therapy.  It hardly works in anyone. All the media hype about lipodissolve is to sell the product. In fact, the majority of individuals do not respond to injections. The results are variable and not reproducible. It is impossible to know who will respond to lipodissolve. More likely than not, you will not respond

Lipodissolve to remove fat pockets

Can lipodissolve my fat pockets from the waistline?

It is claimed by physicians that one can lose a lot of fat and the waist line can be reduced anywhere from 2-6 cms (this is best described as Bull S..T). The vendors claim that fat loss occurs from the waistline, thigh and buttock areas only. One cannot lose fat from other parts of the body. Unfortunately, for most people lipodissolve only brings a lot of disappointments.

There are lots of negative testimonials on cyberspace. The claims are that the procedure is painful, expensive and a rip off. The majority of individuals say they would never undergo the procedure again.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Herbs for IBS

Are there any herbal medications for IBS?

Sure, there are herbs to treat every type of medical disorder; the problem is many of these products are of poor quality and have never been clinically assessed. Just walk into any health food store and ask for herbs for your IBS. And I am sure, you will be offered more than a 100. IBS is a complex medical disorder, which doctors do not understand. And people who sell these herbs cannot even tell the mouth from the arse- so how one can possibly buy something to do with health from such people?

I would not recommend messing this already complex disorder with some unknown herb from China and India. Most of the ads about herbs for IBS have been hyped up and adverse effects are rarely reported. Impurities continue to be reported in supplements from both these countries. Beware of where you buy your supplements. The industry has run amok without any control.

Chinese herbs for neuropathy

I have heard that Chinese herbs are useful for the treatment of diabetic neuropathy. Is this true?

Whenever you hear the word made in the Orient, you should always question yourself about the purity and effectiveness of whatever is being sold. There are 100s herbs being used to treat Diabetic neuropathy. However, most of the published studies from China are questionable and hard to interpret. 

Anecdotal reports indicate that none of the herbs work. As of now, I would not recommend any Chinese herb for diabetic neuropathy. Go and see and endocrinologist and get yourself some prescription medications. In the meantime, protect your feet and wear padded shoes. Of course, you are free to try the herbs-if they work, do write back with the name of the herb.

Intragastric balloon for weight loss

Recently my surgeon mentioned that I could lose weight with an intragastric balloon. Any suggestions?

Most people fail to lose weight with diet therapies. Others are lazy and do not exercise. Drugs do work, but have serious side effects. Various types of surgery procedures have been developed to help people lose weight.  One old surgical method is to insert a silicone intragastric balloon. It is claimed that the balloon keeps the stomach full and one does not feel hungry.
So does it work?

Of course not. This is BS. Please change your surgeon. He /she is nothing more than a fraud for suggesting such an outdated crappy treatment. There is no convincing evidence that intragastric balloon helps people lose weight. The only weight you will lose is the 1000s of dollars from your pockets-because the procedure is expensive and there are no refunds if it does not work.  Remember, Some Surgeons and Wall Street Financiers have the same mentality-“how can we screw people?”