Friday, November 22, 2013

Abreva for herpetic sores

Is Abreva a good drug for my herpetic cold sores?

Abreva, also known as docosanol, is a topical ointment for treatment of cold sores and blisters primarily caused by the herpes virus. Abreva is actually a alcohol-type substance and is widely used as an emollient and emulsifier in many skincare products. The drug is widely prescribed  for treatment of herpetic sores.

Abreva when applied to the lips or genital area can help sores heal faster and reduce symptoms like tingling, burring, itching and pain. Abreva acts by blocking the herpes virus from entering into normal healthy cells and multiplying. Consumers should understand that Abreva does not cure herpes nor does it prevent its transmission to others.

Point of note- there are several studies which show that abreva does jack shit. The drug almost never works well if you use it after the first 48 hours of herpetic outbreak.  Even when it works, it only shortens the healing by 12-17 hours- certainly not worth the expense.