Thursday, November 28, 2013

Onglyza for diabetes

Is there a generic for onglyza for my diabetes?

No onglyza is a relatively new drug for treatment of diabetes and works by stimulation of the pancreas to make insulin; it is a very expensive product and only effective of mild diabetes. I think it is a rip off medication. If you can’t afford it, ask your doctor for metformin, which is very cheap and safe. The last few years, many doctors have started to prescribe onglyza for no other reason than the fact that it is new. It is no more effective than metformin and costs a fortune. Not only do you need a change in your medication, you need to change your doctor to someone who cares about you rather than the pharmaceutical reps.

Personally, I do not recommend this medication to my patients as I think the pharmaceutical companies are scamming patients with expensive products that are no better than metformin.