Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hydroxycut for Weight loss

Are there are any clinical reports on hydroxycut?

Unfortunately, the vendors of HCA have never conducted trials to determine if their products work in humans. All the anecdotal reports claim that it is junk. There are countless blogs on cyberspace and the majority of people who have bought this supplement feel cheated. In fact, the FDA has recently sent a warning to all these manufacturers to stop marketing HCA as a weight loss supplement. Of great interest to all consumers is that HCA has been shown to cause liver damage, seizures and heart problems—something that the manufactures never mentioned.

In two small trials, some individuals did lose 2 pounds over 12 weeks but the weight loss was not sustained. Further, one should remember, rats were given massive doses of HCA and now with the data clear on toxicity of the supplement, I am not sure if many consumers would be so interested in ingesting mega doses of HCA.

Finally HCA is not an inexpensive product. Depending on where you buy and from whom, the cost can vary from $40-$60 for a month’s supply and most of these vendors sucker you into buying 3-6 months’ supply at a discounted rate. My advice: stop looking for a supplement for weight loss: start walking and eat less-this is free, inexpensive and it WORKS.