Saturday, November 23, 2013

Going abroad for surgery

I live in California and have been thinking of going abroad for my cataract surgery. Any advice?

Are you crazy? First, I have to tell you one thing: There are some excellent surgeons all over the world. In America, we have the very best but we also have the very worst. There are great surgeons in India, Russia, Thailand and so on. Of course, the surgery is cheaper outside of North America.

However, there is one major problem. If there is a complication, you are stuck; will you fly back from California to India again? What happens if you need treatment right away? In addition, remember you cannot sue doctors outside of North America. I would recommend going abroad only if you know the surgeon and the status of the hospital. In addition, you want to ask them about post-operative care and how long they will monitor you. If you can stay for a few more weeks after the surgery and be monitored, go ahead.

Finally remember cheaper is not always belter. Doctors outside of America love money just as much as anyone else. Moreover, when something is done for cheap, people are likely to cut corners. Trust me- I have worked in more than 23 countries. We may all hate lawyers, but they do ensure that quality control is maintained. In almost every country where i have worked (and that includes Canada), every family has horror stories about doctors and surgeons and in most cases, nothing can be done. In the USA, you can always sue.