Friday, November 22, 2013

Aripiprazole for BPD

I have been prescribed aripiprazole for my bipolar disorder. Is this an effective drug?

Aripiprazole is a newer atypical anti psychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia. The drug works by restoring balance of certain brain chemicals. Aripiprazole must be taken on a regular basis to work. Aripiprazole can help stabilize mood, decrease hallucinations, improve concentration, increase ability to think clearly and lessens anxiety. One other use of aripiprazole is to treat bipolar disorder. 

Aripiprazole can help to diminish mood swings and decrease hallucination and negative thoughts. In patients with bipolar disorder with extreme manic features, the drug does stabilize the mood. Unfortunately, the drug is expensive and only seems to work in about 60% of patients. It does cause weight gain.