Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Acne Scar treatments

My doctor says he can treat my acne scar but insists on trying several different treatments? any suggestions

If your doctor says let us try one treatment and see what happens, then it is time to dump the fool. These gambling type personality doctors are just looking for your money. You want a treatment that works first time. Remember, treatment of acne scars is an expensive undertaking. You will end up spending thousands of dollars and there is no guarantee that you will have the desired result. Therefore, lesson number one- see a physician who is sure about what to do and does not want to muck around with your face.

In some cases, just being patient and not mucking around will cause the acne scar to lighten and if you are lucky, it may even disappear. Doctors who tend to be iffy and hesitant about treatments are usually the bad ones. On the other hand, there are also too many cowboy type surgeons who insist on surgery ASAP- these are the dangerous ones. So like many things in life- choose your provider well.