Monday, November 18, 2013

Brazilian Mint Tea for Pain relief

Can Brazilian Tea relieve Pain?

A recent study from Newcastle University in England suggests that Brazilian mint tea may have pain relieving properties. In fact, the tea may provide as much relief from pain as traditional drugs. For centuries, the herb, hyptis crenata, has been ingested by people of South America to treat a variety of medical problems including pain relief. Anecdotal reports have circulated for many years that individuals who drink Brazilian mint tea feel relaxed and have a higher tolerance to pain.

But before you stock up on Brazilian mint tea for the holidays, just a final note.  Anecdotal reports claim that the beverage tastes horrible and the pain relief is mild and not seen in all individuals. It is also expensive. Please give Tea a rest- it is a social beverage without any miraculous healing powers- only people who sell tea claim otherwise.