Monday, November 18, 2013

Does ECT cause brain damage

Is it true that ECT causes brain damage?

So far, ECT has been thoroughly analyzed and there is no evidence to reveal that the procedure causes brain damage. Even though the procedure does induce a seizure, the brain is not damaged. CT scans, MRIs and PET scans have revealed that there is no structural damage after ECT. Most studies indicate that the amount of electricity induced to cause the seizure is not harmful to the brain because of its short duration and intensity. The myth that most people turn into brain damaged zombies is absolute nonsense. 

There are many different views and reasons why people object to ECT and it is wrong to generalize. Many people say that ECT is an inhumane and degrading treatment which belongs to the past. They claim that the side effects of ECT are severe and that these are hidden from the public. They also claim that patients are locked up against their will and continually shocked. Various claims of brain damage are made and they would like to see ECT banned. Unfortunately,  individuals who make such statements do not have a clue about psychiatry-much less know the difference between the arse and the mouth.

Psychiatrists may not know a lot about mental health disorders and some may even be unethical, but what little they know has made the discipline safer and more effective than in all the previous centuries.